Paleolimnology is the science (and art) of reconstructing the past environments of fresh water systems. Join Adam Jeziorski and Josh Thienpont as they wade thro...
The next ‘Odd Couplet’ focuses on the intersection of lake sediments and radioactivity. Radioisotopes in lake sediments are used extensively to establish chronologies, but are there other applications that examine these isotopes directly?
Ep. 58: PalA.I.eolimnology
We continue our examination of the linkage of some less explored "Odd Couplets" associated with paleolimnology with one that is constantly in the news...AI!
Ep. 57: Paleotempestology
Our second ‘Odd Couplet’ looks arc continues with an examination of the records storms can leave behind in lake sediments.
Ep. 56: Paleopaleoarchaeology
We begin a new arc on unconventional applications/connections/linkages in paleolimnology, called "Odd Couplets." In the first episode we explore the connections between paleolimnology and archaeology.
Ep. 55: Contenuous Funding
The ‘Money, Money, Money’ arc wraps up with a look at the research funding invaluable to paleolimnology, but not funded by the university-industrial complex. Or is it?
Paleolimnology is the science (and art) of reconstructing the past environments of fresh water systems. Join Adam Jeziorski and Josh Thienpont as they wade through the wide variety of topics covered by this interdisciplinary field. Whether you are already an expert at collecting sediment cores and microscope identifications, or you simply have an interest in environmental issues such as acid rain, eutrophication, and climate change, this podcast will help make the natural records that surround us as clear as mud.